

Presentation Descriptions

Communal Trauma: What is trauma and how do we navigate traumatic times?

Our Biblical stories remind us that suffering, waiting, fear, and loss are a part of life. Right now as a society we are experiencing a pandemic and facing our systems of injustice. All this contributes to our communal trauma. Trauma is a psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. As people of faith, we can place ourselves in God’s story as we learn what trauma is, how it affects us, and what we can do to take care of ourselves and our neighbors during crisis times.

Self-Compassion and Faith: How self-compassion practices reflect our faith in a God of Grace.

Self-compassion practices have deep roots in the Buddhist tradition, but the facets of self-compassion are deeply centered in God’s grace. Together we will dive deeply into what it means to be people of God’s grace and learn practices to help us live more fully into that grace.

Ending Stigma around Mental Illness

As part of the “Make It Ok” campaign, this presentation is about reducing stigma and creating conversations about mental illness. We will talk about how stigma harms, and how we can create safe places where those struggling with mental illness can find support.

Engaging Scripture

This presentation focuses on a variety of ways to engage with scripture to deepen our faith lives in playful ways.

Boundaries for Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing

Being intention about making, keeping, and communicating our boundaries is spiritual work. This presentation looks at some scriptural examples of boundaries, as well as teaching participants how to craft their own “personal policies” that support the “why” of how we live as children of God.

Group Work:

Community Stress Debriefing Circles

I am equipped to lead “Community Stress Debriefing Circles,” which is a form of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, adapted from the Mitchell Model. The Debriefing Process is designed to help people discuss, share, and better cope with events or situations that are emotionally difficult, disturbing, traumatic, violent, or threatening. This is a step by step process that is designed to create a safe place for people to share their reactions to a critical event and how the situation is affecting them emotionally.

Clergy or Seminary Student Groups

These groups focus on teaching and practicing skills such as tending to burnout, grounding, centering, or processing a learning event, as well as discernment issues.