Front Porch Spiritual Direction is a place where you can bring your whole self to pay attention to your particular journey wherever you are on life’s path. You might find reflection questions, art, scripture, poems and stories, meditation, or silence helpful as we explore your story together, or you might just want to honor your own voice by telling your own story as we look at where you have been and where God is leading you next. Spiritual Direction offers deep, reflective listening and coaching. I work to partner with you as you discern and live into your own spiritual practices.
Bring your questions, your struggles, your joys, and your heart…. Welcome to the Front Porch.
What I offer:
Individual Spiritual Direction Sessions
Presentations for community or faith groups or a topic of your choice:
Communal Trauma: What is trauma and how do we navigate traumatic times?
Self-Compassion and Faith: How self-compassion practices reflect our faith in a God of Grace.
Ending Stigma around Mental Illness
Engaging Scripture
Boundaries for emotional and spiritual wellbeing
Group Work:
Community Stress Debriefing Circles
Clergy Care
Group Spiritual Direction for Seminary Interns
Presentation descriptions can be found with my Videos & Resources (the link is also located in the site footer).