The River

In his little book “just this: prompts and practices for contemplation,” Richard Rohr writes:

Faith does not need to push the river precisely because it is able to trust that there is a river - and you are already in it. The river is God’s Infinite Love. Without some awareness of being supported by and part of this always-flowing river, you will succumb to your ego’s preoccupations and fears.

How much of our days are we spending trying to push the river? I know that I try to push the river when my schedule gets too hectic and my mind races and I’m looking ahead to the next 10 things and I make the assumption that it is all up to me. On the days I am least aware of the divine it would seem like the river itself is up to me! (side note: all is unique to each of us. All the things could be work, family, school, projects, global or local issues. The belief of it is all up to me is a lie and a trap that keeps us separated from each other and from God.)  

Fortunately, God is there creating, sustaining, and freely giving us this river for us to immerse ourselves in...and it isn’t up to us at all. This is God’s work. This river, this love, is God’s work and it is for us and for all creation. There is nothing we need to do to create the river because it already exists for us. It is pure gift. God not only creates the river but longs for us to enjoy it’s refreshing grace.

We are called to our own work as God’s beloved-- living into, practicing, and sharing grace, mercy, and justice; liberating a world from the sins of our preoccupations and fears. Our work starts by noticing how it feels to be supported by the water holding us up. Our work is to feel the water wash over our feet. Our work is to stand still long enough to recognize that we are in the presence of a loving God. 

Noticing. Feeling. Recogizing. 

These are spiritual practices that teach us to trust in the infinite love that holds us. May you be able to stop long enough today to listen to the river, feel it’s movement, and trust that you are carried in love. 


Ruth Sorenson
Signs & Stages

I am in the stage of life where I am helping to launch a young adult into the world, making sure that she is learning the skills she will need to navigate the world. One of those skills is learning to drive. With this permit driver learning the ropes, I got a “new driver” magnet to put on my car when she is driving. It helps...some. It’s meant to garner a little patience and grace from other drivers in this early stage.

Every time I put the magnet on my car I wonder what it would be like if we all had signs we could display to let others know more about where we are in life. Maybe signs like...



Super excited

Working out a complex problem

Concerned about a loved one

Feeling on top of the world

Maybe we need more signs to remember to give each other patience and grace as we keep learning the ropes of how to be more compassionate companions in this life.

What would your sign say right now?

Ruth Sorenson