Wrap the day with a ribbon of prayer

Maybe like me you prefer to do your devotions or your prayers in the morning. I like to begin my day with a reading, or a poem, or a prayer - something that wakes up my spirit and my mind as my coffee wakes up my body. But in these days when everything seems turned upside down, I’ve been more reflective in the evenings.

In her book, “The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth,” Joyce Rupp talks about “the evening review.” The evening review, she writes, “is meant to bring wholeness into your entire day, to wrap the day, with the ribbon of prayer.” Isn’t that lovely? Wrapping the day with a ribbon of prayer helps settle the loose threads that my mind is constantly tugging at. She suggests asking yourself these questions for the evening review:

How open or aware was I to the presence of God in my day?

What kind of nourishment did I receive? What kind of nourishment did I give?

Does anything need to be emptied out in order for me to be at peace tonight?

If an evening review or an end of the day prayer is new to you, I suggest you try this practice and see what happens in your life. See if there are subtle shifts in your perspective or heart as you settle in for sleep.  

May you be blessed by this practice. And here is an evening prayer for you from the New Zealand Prayer Book; it is one of my favorites. 

Lord, it is night.

The night is for stillness. Let us be still in the presence of God.

It is night after a long day. What has been done has been done; what has not been done has not been done; let it be.

The night is dark. Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives rest in you.

The night is quiet. Let the quietness of your peace enfold us, all dear to us, and all who have no peace.

The night heralds the dawn. Let us look expectantly to a new day, new joys, new possibilities.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Peace to you,


Ruth Sorenson